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First Mosque in Rockford will be Opened in January Upcoming

ROCKFORD (News CAIRO) - This is the vision that is realized in 10 years: the first mosque Rockford. Currently, more than 200 families regularly visit the Muslim Community Center for making the space more narrow.

"It's been nearly two years we use the gym for Friday prayers," said Dr. Dawood Harunani, president of the Muslim Association of Greater Rockford.

After collecting sufficient funds, construction finally began last September at the corner of South Mulford and Darlene Drive. Dr Haruni said the mosque would attract more people to the area because there are no large mosque in between Madison and Elgin came to Iowa.

"This will be a central area where we will attract people from surrounding areas," said Dr. Haruni.

He added that the community has been supportive so far, beyond the stereotypes that emerged after September 11.

"There will always be people who do crazy things, but generally people are not crazy. We all know that we must learn to coexist and mutually tolerant of each other and that's what formed this country, a mixture of all people, all religions, "said Harunani.

Mosque worth 1.3 million dollars was all funded by the public and is expected to open mid-January.

The Muslims have been part of the Rockford community for 20 years but they have never had the physical building in the city landscape that is visually symbolize their presence.
"The mosque is very valuable for us," said Dr. Harunani. "This means we have an official building for worship. Previously, we only have a space in school buildings that we use for prayer."

Wesley Lebron, administrative assistant to the Muslim Community Center, said, "The Muslims have had this property for 20 years. To have an actual facility, this is a great achievement for us."

Lebron, who blooded Puerto Rico and grew up Christian but converted to Islam since 12 years ago, said, "Rockford is special. The people are very accepting and open minded. They're going to ask first before saying something negative."

Local building contractor, Mokhtar Mohamed, said people stop by every day and take pictures. He and Harunani also said that the Swedish American Hospital Mosque was put up pictures on his website and use it and the nearest Rockford Iqra School as a tool for recruiting doctors and other professionals in the area.

Perhaps the biggest attraction for the city's Muslim population is growing Rockford living costs are less expensive than Chicago, said Harunani. Local hospitals to recruit Muslim doctors, and the aircraft manufacturer Hamilton Sundstrand employs engineers Muslim.

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