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Only Heaven, Replies For Hajj Mabrur

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Prophet said, "Whoever pilgrimage in the House, then he did not say anything dirty or sin, he returned from the hajj as a newborn child by his mother." (Bukhari from Abu Hurairah).

The series of pilgrimage in the Holy Land is over. The pilgrims will return from the Holy Land to their respective countries to carry the label 'has been on pilgrimage'. Indonesian Muslims usually put the label 'pilgrimage', which is abbreviated with 'H' (for men), or 'Hajah', abbreviated 'Hj' (for women), in front of his name.

A proof at once of pride and gratitude that he has perfected the five pillars of Islam. For the first pilgrimage of course.

Formally, the pilgrimage circuits ranging from Ihram till tahalul already perfectly done. But, the real pilgrimage is not only formal compliance with it. In the above hadith, the Prophet suggested the informal side of the pilgrimage that also must be met, namely the prohibition to not say anything dirty or a sin.

This informal side effect, or things to be included in each set of formal religious pilgrimage. If the two sides was performed, as mentioned by him, the person will be returned without sin, like a new born baby. That's called the hajj Mabrur, which in return is a paradise. "Haji Mabrur there is no other replies, except paradise." (HR Nasai from Abu Hurairah).

There are no by-the most valuable of the Holy Land, in addition to pilgrimage Mabrur. These are assets that will be exchanged with heaven, as well as the most valuable investment in the afterlife. And, indeed only surgalah prepared by God for people who Hajj Mabrur.
As an asset, the people who Hajj Mabrur obliged to guard it carefully so as not to dirty, or even damaged. Not a few people carrying hajj pilgrimage and go home Mabrur. But after the pilgrimage, he returned to speak dirty and sin.

Hajj or Hajah label pinned on the front of the names of people who return from the pilgrimage is actually a label a reminder that he was on pilgrimage and are required to maintain or kehajahannya kehajian until the end of life by keeping the oral or keep themselves from sin.

Formally, the pilgrimage time is limited, manasiknya forms have also been determined. But, informally, the values will continue to accompany the Hajj pilgrimage of people who, even when it is over a formal pilgrimage.

None other than Dzulhijah pilgrimage in the month, but the values contained in the entire series that the pilgrimage will continue to be with people who have been on pilgrimage, anytime and anywhere. People who have been on pilgrimage required to implement these values throughout life. And Allaah knows best.

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