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Preventing Arson, Muslims in the UK Invites Discuss about the Qur'an

NEW CASTLE, England (AFP CAIRO) - A British Muslim group launched a campaign to encourage fellow citizens of the United Kingdom to read and discuss the holy book the Koran, in an effort to peacefully deal with the ignorance and misconceptions about the Muslim holy book, which gives road to the actions tarnish the Qur'an such as the burning of the holy book.

"We do not support the protests or demonstrations with violence," said Abu Tayeb, project manager at the Center for Diversity Islam (Islamic Diversity Centre - IDC) in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, told the news agency of The Chronicle on Friday (19/11) local time.

"We want to beat this thing intellectually, and change something that used to be a negative story, and not useful to anyone, into something positive."

Local Muslim group is inviting people from all religions to a free seminar, titled "The Qur'an: Burn It or Learn It?" (Al-Qur'an: Burn or Learn?), This weekend.

The seminar, held at one high school town, came as a direct response to a recent incident that appalling Muslim community, when six people in the town of Gateshead burn the holy book of Muslims.

The desecration occurred on Sept. 11 anniversary events on 9 / 11 attacks in the U.S..

Combustion events is expressed by the news agency of The Chronicle is publishing a video, which was also posted on YouTube, drawing six young men in a pub light a fire on the Qur'an, causing anger among local Muslims.
IDC seminar was trying to use the case to explain to non-Muslims why burn the Quran is so offensive to Muslims through the show the discussion of an Islamic perspective.

"We will also see the limits of freedom of expression."

"We know that some people may believe that burning the holy book is not a big problem, and we are excited to open a discussion and debate about a safe space."

The incident came following a call from Terry Jones, an American priest in Florida who has announced a plan to burn piles of Al-Quran in 50 members of his church on the anniversary of the events of 9 / 11.

He foiled burning, but only after he inspires others to follow his call.

In the U.S., there are at least five incidents of Koran desecration in the entire country in September.

The seminar organizers are hoping that the event was not just talking about cleaning the Muslim stance of the things that defile their holy book, but the event also has other aspects that all this is about learning.

"The second element is about learning the messages the Qur'an," Abu Tayeb said.

Muslims want the discussion to help dispel the myths surrounding rooted in the Qur'an, and Muslim religions.

"This event is designed especially for non-Muslims so that they can get a view into our religion.

"Many people who are just jumping on the bandwagon effects (bandwagon effect) from Pastor Terry Jones in Florida even without ever reading the holy book the Qur'an," Abu Tayeb added.

IDC, founded in 2000, is dedicated to "presenting the teachings of Islam in response to so many myths and misconceptions generally held", according to the group website.

The officials confirmed that one when non-Muslims read the Qur'an, they find that so many similarities in it with their own holy book that they had never heard of before.

"We want to highlight the core values that are universal to all religions, not just Islam - like being nice to your neighbors - and shows how Islam can contribute in a positive way to society."

Britain is home to a large minority Muslim population of almost 2 million inhabitants.

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