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Ta'if, Piece of a Painful Story

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ta'if now become one of the most important agricultural areas in Saudi Arabia. Its location is situated about 100 miles southeast city of Makkah. Although not too far away, the area has a climate much different from Mecca. This is because the Ta'if is a highland area with altitude to 1,500 meters above sea level.

The town is located in the Asir Mountains valley also has the nickname 'Qoryatul Muluk' or the village of kings. So called because in this cold town betebaran summer palace of the kings and the conglomerate Saudi Arabia.

Ta'if is famous for the results of their ground. Apart from being a supplier of vegetables and fruits, like pomegranate / Rumman, this area also became a supplier of flowers. Raw materials such Arabia typical perfume amber, musk, and Jasmin, many generated from this region.

Later, the Government of Saudi Arabia to intensify this area as a tourist area and is preparing a landing place pilgrims, in addition to Jeddah and Medina. For that, various public infrastructure and facilities, is currently a lot of construction.

At the heart of Ta'if, there are several mosques, such as the Masjid Jami 'Khodimul Haramain Syarifain, Addas Mosque, Masjid Ku' (ku'un), the mosque where the Prophet dilontar stone by residents of Ta'if, and the Masjid Jami 'Abdullah ibn Abbas that the Prophet used to pray Dhuhr and Asr in-jama 'taqdim qosor. Behind the mosque that is, the exact location right next to the prayers of women, history says is the location of the tomb of Ibn Abbas.

Ibn Abbas is one of the friends of the Prophet Muhammad a knowledgeable and many sound hadiths narrated by himself. He is also likely to reduce the caliphate of the Abbasids. In addition, about 20 km from Ta'if be visible region of As-Safa with views of the verdant hills. Verdant hills, distant rocks adorned the game malahi, ranumnya fruits and vegetables.

Villas owned by the emir and the conglomerates, as well as many built in the area of As-Safa this. However, to enter the region, the current required a special permit and inspection are quite strict. This is probably because in this place there are military schools and arsenals Arab governments Saudi.Dalam Islamic history, this Ta'if region left many bitter memories of the Prophet Muhammad. The first story, faced by the Prophet Muhammad in the early days he did preach Islam.

Three years before the hijrah, the Prophet Muhammad to travel to Ta'if to invite the tribes Tsaqif, the ruler of Ta'if, to ask for help and protection. This trip comes shortly after Khadijah's death in 619 AD and the death of Abu Talib, an uncle who is also the main protector Prophet Muhammad in 620 AD.

The death of Abu Talib and Khadijah who respected the polytheists of Quraysh, making them even more daring disrupt the Prophet Muhammad. Accordingly, if residents of Ta'if would receive the Messenger, the city is probably going to be a refuge from the atrocities of the Muslims of the idolaters of Mecca. Not in Medina.

To avoid a more severe persecution of his people, the journey to Ta'if Prophet secretly carried on foot. In this city, the Prophet stayed for 10 days. However, the treatment given population of Ta'if, it was very rough. At that time, the Prophet threw Tsaqif so that his feet hurt. This brutal act of Ta'if residents make Zaid bin Harithah defend and protect it. But, his head was also injured in the exposed stones. Finally, the Prophet took refuge in a garden belonging to 'Utbah bin Rabi'a.

Prophet Muhammad even to say a prayer, "Oh, God to You I complain of my weakness, lack kesanggupanku, and humility myself dealing with people. O Most Compassionate substances, Most Merciful. You are the protector of the weak and Thou step that the guardian! To who I am You are about to submit? To the grim-faced people much about me, or to an enemy that will control my feelings?

If you are not angry at me then it did not kuhiraukan, because it is a great blessing which Thou hast limpahkan me. I seek refuge in thy face light rays, which illuminate the darkness and bring good in the world and the hereafter from thy wrath revealed, and you want to blame myself. You are well pleased. It was no power and strength of any permission other than for thee. "From the contents of this prayer, of course you can imagine how heavy ordeal faced by the Prophet Muhammad. However, he was still pleased, sincere, patient, and never despair.

Besides the story of the persecution suffered by the Prophet Muhammad in the early days of Islam preaches, in Ta'if also occur post-war battle fierce Hunain. Hunain battle is the battle between the Prophet and his companions, with the Bedouin of the tribe Hawazin and Tsaqif in the year 630 or 8 H.

In that battle, the Muslim army won a landslide victory. However, some people Tsaqif, then choose not to surrender, but fled to Ta'if. In this city, they shut the gates of the city and make some preparations for war. After the war Hunain subsided, the Prophet went to Ta'if. To reach the city, the Prophet walked past Nakhlah Al-Yamaniyah, Qarn Al-Mulaih, and Bahrah Ar-Rugha 'from Liyyah. There, the Prophet built the mosque and pray in it.

After approaching the walls of the fortress city of Ta'if, the Messenger of Allah commanded the Muslim forces to set up headquarters. But in this place, some people of the Prophet Companions hit the arrow so that the Messenger of moving its headquarters to the mosque for much of the fort Ta'if. Only after that, the Muslim army laid siege to the fort for more than 20 nights.

Finally, a battle ensued with a very fierce. The Tsaqif use different ways to do resistance. Although Muslim forces finally overran the city of Ta'if, the number of casualties on the part of the Muslim army was quite large. The number of the Prophet Companions who died as martyrs in the war there were 12 people Ta'if. They consist of seven people from the immigrants and four men from the Ansar. Another came from Bani Layth.

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