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There is "Life" In the Holy Qur'an Verses

Depiction is a major instrument in the style of the Qur'an. He disclosed with sensuous images of the meaning of intellectual and imaginative life conditions; about events and phenomena that appear terindera; about the human model and the human character.

He presented a picture that forms an active life or the actual movements. Intellectual meaning expressed in the form or movement. The condition of the soul is expressed in the phenomenon or the theatrical. Human model is expressed in a figure that is really alive. Human character expressed physically.

Events and phenomena, stories and scenes, featuring figures are actually present, where there is life, there exist movements. If there were a dialogue he held with the involvement of all elements of imagination. The implication, when a person reading or listening to the verses he be forgotten that these verses are read sentences or parables that are served. Instead, he felt the movement, scenery, or event that is really real.

Here there is life, not a story about life!

When we realize that all that was just the letters and the wording, wording that silence, which is not colorful nor bersosok, then we realized that it was a secret part of the miracle in the Koran style disclosure.
Depiction in the Qur'an includes drawing with color, movement, reality and actuality, most of which appear together with the description, dialogue, chiming the words, rebound phrases, sentence structure and rhythm, all of which bring up images that can be diindera with eyes and ears, taste and imagination, thoughts and feelings.


1. Would never have received the infidels and also the impossibility to go to heaven for them: like the impossibility of a camel can go into the eye of a needle. (Surat Al-A'raf: 40)
2. Loss of all deeds ever done by a person when he became infidel: like the dust flying (Surat al-Furqan: 23) or the ashes in the wind storm. (Surah Ibrahim: 18)
3. A waste of charity which is accompanied by curses or something painful: like dust contained in the rock and then washed down by heavy rains. (Surat al-Baqara: 264)
4. On the contrary, blessing and benefit from the charity which is based on the intention to achieve the pleasure of Allah: like a lush garden with abundant fruit. (Surat al-Baqara: 265)
5. Futile to appeal to gods other than God: like a man who spread his palms on the water surface and at the same time want to touch your mouth to water. (Surat al-Ra'du: 14)
6. Futile petition Unbelievers: like those who call people who can not hear. (Surat al-Baqara: 171)
7. Weak and fragile berwali on other than God: like the spider who built his house which was fragile. (Surat al-'Ankabut: 41)
8. Unfortunately those who shirk with Allah is like something that fell from the sky and struck by a bird or buffeted by the wind to distant places. (Surat al-Hajj: 31)

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1. Tersesatnya souls of those who shirk with Allah is like deceive someone by syaithan in a scary place in a state of confused and dazed. (Surat al-An'am: 71)
2. The condition of the souls who indulge lust after earlier gaining knowledge: like the dog who stuck out his tongue at all times, both when driven or not. (Surat Al-A'raf: 176)
3. The condition of a person whose spirit calm when obtaining good but fret and grumble when overwritten temptation: like a man who stood on one side of the narrow. (Surat al-Hajj: 11)
4. The condition of those souls who are still lost and not yet united in the faith: like the people who are on the brink of hell. (Surat Ali 'Imran: 103)
5. The soul that is not based the construction of places of worship in taqwa, the pleasure of Allah and kindness: like a man who founded the building on the brink of a landslide that helped him instantly fell plunged into the abyss of a landslide. (Surah Al-Tauba: 109)


Modeling human shown in easy and concise, which is usually only one or two sentences, but have formed a figure model of the living, tangible, and full of sensuous flavors.

This modeling takes the images of natural and human that will never be cracked by age, valid in the whole society and culture, and goes beyond the boundaries of time and generations.


1. Human model which just came and pleaded with God when overwritten suffering, but if it has been freed from suffering then he stay away from him as if nothing ever ask Him.
2. Human model of weak sound belief. He still holds when getting good sound belief. But if he gets a trial so that he remove the sound belief.
3. Human model which only recognize the truth if it came from him, but if the truth was coming from or contained in other people then he would deny it.
4. Human model which run from the truth because in his heart but at the same high feeling weak. Pomposity makes it reject the truth while he was weak from not being able to face the challenge of truth.
5. Human model which run from the truth in a way that despicable.
6. Human model which looks amazing and awesome but their heart is rotten.
7. Models of human who likes to be praised for something he did not do. (

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