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UK Researcher: Educated White Women Tend to Become Muslim

Educated white women are more likely to convert to Islam compared with other groups, said a researcher at Swansea.

Kevin Brice said there were about 60 versus 40 which support women to Islam, and they tend to have the "profile better education" than the population average.

Brice, from Swansea University, said every white woman who converted to Islam has a different story, but have one common theme is the perception that Islam offers the protection of women and provide a sense of identity. He said this may sound counter-intuitive to the public.

"Through a simple dress, including garments with veiled, no longer about how you see it," said Price, a former researcher at the research center for migration policy. "It is now free from a view that you determined by your dress size.

"We also noted that women who converted to Islam more likely to wear the hijab compared with people who are born Muslims from the Islamic family.

"But by adopting this dress, they attract attention. There is a strange irony. When you talk with these new Muslims who they say that what they experience, or feel what they do, quite high levels of discrimination against them."

By using data from the census of 2001, Brice estimates there are about 1,500 white Muslims in Wales.
"Based on our research, in the last 10 years this figure increased more than double," he said.

He stressed this may not be exact figures. Part of the reason, he says, is a convert to Islam in the region pinggrian - may suffer from a syndrome "I am the only Muslim in the village" - which is difficult to measure.

Brice menmbahkan number who converted to Islam has increased because of media coverage - which is often negative tone towards Islam. The people finally heard about Islam, wanted to find out more, and become interested to enter into it.

"There is anecdotal evidence that after 2001 (World Trade Center attacks) and 7 bombings, there are an increasing number of people who converted to Islam," he said.

Brice added that women tend to show more religious affiliation than men.

England and Wales Muslim population has increased from just over 1.5 million in 2001 to 2.5 million now, he said, with a higher birth rate and immigration as a key factor.

Specify the amount you convert to Christianity among Muslims is rather difficult. "It's a bit taboo, but the area that deserves to be seen," he said.

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