Various kinds of Takbir in Dhu al-Hijjah Days
By: Badrul Tamam
Takbir on Iedul Adha there are two types: absolute and Takbir Takbir muqayyad. Absolute Takbir is prescribed for voiced since the early days of Dhu al-Hijjah until Eid (day tasyriq). Takbir is echoed in the streets and in markets, in Mina, and in other places. Its foundation is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
ليشهدوا منافع لهم ويذكروا اسم الله في أيام معلومات
"So they see the benefits for them and that they may mention the name of Allah on the appointed day," (Surat al-Hajj: 28). Ayyam Ma'lumaat is the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Also the Word of God Allah, the Exalted,
واذكروا الله في أيام معدودات
"And berzikirlah (with call) of Allah in a few days that they are many." (Surat al-Baqara: 203). The point is that the days of Prophet Tasyriq based shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, "Today is a day-to-day Tasyriq eating and drinking and dhikr to Allah' Azza wa Jalla." (Narrated by Muslim in Shahihnya)
It was narrated from Ibn Umar radhiyallaahu 'anha,
ما من أيام أعظم عند الله ولا أحب إليه العمل فيهن من هذه الأيام العشر فأكثروا فيهن من التهليل والتكبير والتحميد
"There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and good deeds in it are more beloved by Him than ten days (the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah), hence perbanyaklah tahlil, Takbir, and tahmid in it." (Narrated by Ahmad 7 / 224, Shaikh Ahmad Shakir menshahihkan isnad).
Imam al-Bukhari said in a Ta'liq Shahihnya from Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurairah radhiyallaahu' anhum, that they go to market in ten days (of the month Dhu al-Hijjah) while bertakbir and people, too bertakbir with Takbir both .
Is Omar bin Khattab and his son (Abdullah ibn Umar) radhiyallaahu 'anhuma, bertakbir on days Mina at the mosque and in camp. Both his voice so that Mina takbirnya become Takbir thundering voice.
Included in this section is a blown in place Takbir Eid prayer, on the road leading to it, and at the time sitting waiting for prayer.
While Takbir muqayyad (bound) is a public Takbir after the five daily prayers, more specifically in prayer congregation, as required by the majority of jurists'.
Takbir starts since the dawn of the day of 'Arafah to pray twenty-three, that is until after the Asr prayer on the feast day of the fourth (day Tasyriq terakhir/13 Dhu al-Hijjah), as is narrated from the Prophet shallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and a number of friends ridwanullah 'alaihim. (Book Ma'mu 'Fataawa wa Maqalat Mutanawwi'ah, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Bazz, 13/17). And Takbir is valid only for other than jama'ah pilgrimage.
As for who is on pilgrimage, in conditions ihramnya quite busy myself with Talbiyah so throw jumrah on Nahar (day-to-10 Dhu al-Hijjah), after that new busied themselves with bertakbir. bertakbirnya started since the first roll when throwing jumrah. And if bertakbir while bertalbiyah then why are not based on the words of Anas bin Malik radhiyallaahu 'anhu, "People used bertalbiyah on the day of Arafat and not denied. While someone bertakbir also not denied. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
But that Afdhal (main) for someone who is to say the Talbiyah berihram. As for someone who does not berihram the Afdhal is bertakbir on those days.
Bertakbir in prayer Iedul Ahda
Bertakbir prescribed in place of Eid prayer, on the road leading to it, and when sitting in place of prayers. Everyone is encouraged to bertakbir, do not just stay quiet when sitting, either at the time Iedul fitri maupaun Iedul adha. Because on this day, very, very encouraged to reveal syi'ar syi'ar-Islamic. And among syi 'ar the most obvious is the repercussion Takbir. It says, "Hiasilah holiday feasts you with Takbir." (Narrated by al-Thabrani in Mu'jam al-Shaghir and al-Ausath, while the status of disputed rwiayatnya).
Therefore, for the Muslims should show this on the day of Eid syi'ar. When they journey towards a place of prayer and sat waiting for the salat, they should harden takbrinya voice. And among the sound akbir sentence is: Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . La ilaha Illallaah. . . Akbar Allaah. . . Walillahil Hamd. Takbir composition is in accordance with the diriayatkan from Ibn Mas'ud and referenced by Imam Ahmad.
There is still another form of narrated from Salman, Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar Kabiira.
Reading-dhikr Dhikr Shalawat and that in addition to
Reading shalalawat and other dhikr-doxology is never obtained shallallaahu history of the Prophet, upon him blessings, such as greeting, cor Shalli 'ala Muhammad sayyidinaa wa' ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammad. . . until the end.
Shallallaahu Bershalawat to the Prophet, upon him blessings are prescribed in each time. But menghususkannya with such form and in these times, basically never mentioned shallallaahu testimony of the Prophet, upon him blessings and not also from one of his Shabat.
So also is frequently spoken on this occasion, La ilaha Illallaahu Alone, shadaqa wa'dah, wa nashara 'abdah, wahazamal ahzaba Alone. . ., We did not find one riwayatpun linking him with a feast.
La ilaha Illallaahu Alone, shadaqa wa'dah, wa nashara 'abdah, wahazamal ahzaba Alone. . ., We did not find one riwayatpun linking him with a feast.
Indeed Takbir ma'tsur and has a runway that history only with the structure mentioned earlier, namely: Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . La ilaha illa. . . Allaah Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . Walillahil Hamd.
So for a Muslim to earnestly proclaimed this Takbir, enliven the place of prayer with him. And bertakbir at all the first ten days Dhu al-Hijjah. And Allaah knows best.
Takbir on Iedul Adha there are two types: absolute and Takbir Takbir muqayyad. Absolute Takbir is prescribed for voiced since the early days of Dhu al-Hijjah until Eid (day tasyriq). Takbir is echoed in the streets and in markets, in Mina, and in other places. Its foundation is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
ليشهدوا منافع لهم ويذكروا اسم الله في أيام معلومات
"So they see the benefits for them and that they may mention the name of Allah on the appointed day," (Surat al-Hajj: 28). Ayyam Ma'lumaat is the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Also the Word of God Allah, the Exalted,
واذكروا الله في أيام معدودات
"And berzikirlah (with call) of Allah in a few days that they are many." (Surat al-Baqara: 203). The point is that the days of Prophet Tasyriq based shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, "Today is a day-to-day Tasyriq eating and drinking and dhikr to Allah' Azza wa Jalla." (Narrated by Muslim in Shahihnya)
It was narrated from Ibn Umar radhiyallaahu 'anha,
ما من أيام أعظم عند الله ولا أحب إليه العمل فيهن من هذه الأيام العشر فأكثروا فيهن من التهليل والتكبير والتحميد
"There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and good deeds in it are more beloved by Him than ten days (the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah), hence perbanyaklah tahlil, Takbir, and tahmid in it." (Narrated by Ahmad 7 / 224, Shaikh Ahmad Shakir menshahihkan isnad).
Imam al-Bukhari said in a Ta'liq Shahihnya from Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurairah radhiyallaahu' anhum, that they go to market in ten days (of the month Dhu al-Hijjah) while bertakbir and people, too bertakbir with Takbir both .
Is Omar bin Khattab and his son (Abdullah ibn Umar) radhiyallaahu 'anhuma, bertakbir on days Mina at the mosque and in camp. Both his voice so that Mina takbirnya become Takbir thundering voice.
Included in this section is a blown in place Takbir Eid prayer, on the road leading to it, and at the time sitting waiting for prayer.
While Takbir muqayyad (bound) is a public Takbir after the five daily prayers, more specifically in prayer congregation, as required by the majority of jurists'.
Takbir starts since the dawn of the day of 'Arafah to pray twenty-three, that is until after the Asr prayer on the feast day of the fourth (day Tasyriq terakhir/13 Dhu al-Hijjah), as is narrated from the Prophet shallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and a number of friends ridwanullah 'alaihim. (Book Ma'mu 'Fataawa wa Maqalat Mutanawwi'ah, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Bazz, 13/17). And Takbir is valid only for other than jama'ah pilgrimage.
As for who is on pilgrimage, in conditions ihramnya quite busy myself with Talbiyah so throw jumrah on Nahar (day-to-10 Dhu al-Hijjah), after that new busied themselves with bertakbir. bertakbirnya started since the first roll when throwing jumrah. And if bertakbir while bertalbiyah then why are not based on the words of Anas bin Malik radhiyallaahu 'anhu, "People used bertalbiyah on the day of Arafat and not denied. While someone bertakbir also not denied. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
But that Afdhal (main) for someone who is to say the Talbiyah berihram. As for someone who does not berihram the Afdhal is bertakbir on those days.
Bertakbir in prayer Iedul Ahda
Bertakbir prescribed in place of Eid prayer, on the road leading to it, and when sitting in place of prayers. Everyone is encouraged to bertakbir, do not just stay quiet when sitting, either at the time Iedul fitri maupaun Iedul adha. Because on this day, very, very encouraged to reveal syi'ar syi'ar-Islamic. And among syi 'ar the most obvious is the repercussion Takbir. It says, "Hiasilah holiday feasts you with Takbir." (Narrated by al-Thabrani in Mu'jam al-Shaghir and al-Ausath, while the status of disputed rwiayatnya).
Therefore, for the Muslims should show this on the day of Eid syi'ar. When they journey towards a place of prayer and sat waiting for the salat, they should harden takbrinya voice. And among the sound akbir sentence is: Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . La ilaha Illallaah. . . Akbar Allaah. . . Walillahil Hamd. Takbir composition is in accordance with the diriayatkan from Ibn Mas'ud and referenced by Imam Ahmad.
There is still another form of narrated from Salman, Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar Kabiira.
Reading-dhikr Dhikr Shalawat and that in addition to
Reading shalalawat and other dhikr-doxology is never obtained shallallaahu history of the Prophet, upon him blessings, such as greeting, cor Shalli 'ala Muhammad sayyidinaa wa' ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammad. . . until the end.
Shallallaahu Bershalawat to the Prophet, upon him blessings are prescribed in each time. But menghususkannya with such form and in these times, basically never mentioned shallallaahu testimony of the Prophet, upon him blessings and not also from one of his Shabat.
So also is frequently spoken on this occasion, La ilaha Illallaahu Alone, shadaqa wa'dah, wa nashara 'abdah, wahazamal ahzaba Alone. . ., We did not find one riwayatpun linking him with a feast.
La ilaha Illallaahu Alone, shadaqa wa'dah, wa nashara 'abdah, wahazamal ahzaba Alone. . ., We did not find one riwayatpun linking him with a feast.
Indeed Takbir ma'tsur and has a runway that history only with the structure mentioned earlier, namely: Allahu Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . . La ilaha illa. . . Allaah Akbar. . . Allahu Akbar. . Walillahil Hamd.
So for a Muslim to earnestly proclaimed this Takbir, enliven the place of prayer with him. And bertakbir at all the first ten days Dhu al-Hijjah. And Allaah knows best.
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