Hijab, Women's Independent Feature

By: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Blessings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends.
Jilbab, what's the benefit? Many women are asking this question because he had not received any guidance for the wear. Here is a verse in God's Book called "Verse Hijab". This verse is very nice at all to contemplate. Hope we can get a lesson from this verse from the scholars of tafsir. Hopefully with this God open the hearts of the women who did not wear it perfectly.
Photo: fitraverroes.wordpress.com
Allah Ta'ala says:يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين وكان الله غفورا
"O Prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them extended veils all over their bodies. " That is so they are easier to be known, therefore they are not alone. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
What is hijab? Ibn Kathir explains that the veil is rahimahullah upper garment (rida ') [1] that covers Khimar. So that was said by Ibn Mas'ud, 'Ubaidah, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Sa'id bin Jubair, Ibrahim An Nakho'i, and' Atho 'Al Khurosaani. For now, the veil was like Izar (lower garment). Al Jauhari said that the headscarf is "mulhafah" (fabric cover). [2] Ash Syaukani rahimahullah say that hijab is a garment that is larger than Khimar. [3] There are scholars who say that the hijab is a garment that covers the entire female body. In the hadeeth of 'Umm' Athiyah, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, one of us do not have a hijab." Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then said: لتلبسها أختها من جلبابها "Let the brother wearing a headscarf for her." [4] Al Wahidi said that expert commentators say, "That he shall cover his face and head except for one eye only." [5] |
Ibn Jawzi rahimahullah in Zaadul Masiir give information about the hijab. He nukil words of Ibn Qutaibah, where he gave an explanation, "Let the woman was wearing rida'nya (upper garment)." Another scholar said, "Let the women to cover their heads and faces, so that people know that he is an independent woman (not slaves). "[6]
As Shaykh Sa'di rahimahullah explains that the veil is mulhafah (fabric top cover), Khimar, rida '(upper garment fabric) or any other kind that is worn over clothing. Let the veil that covers her self, her face and chest. [7]
Conclusions about the hijab and Khimar purpose, please see picture www.muslimah.or.id [8] below.
Wearing Hijab, Freedom Women's Feature
In verse which we examine today, Allah Almighty ordered His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered for the women believing women-especially the wives and daughters of the Prophet because of their glory-that is, so they handed her headscarf. The aim is to differentiate between ignorant women and female slaves. [9]
As rahimahullah Sudi said, "In the past people might in the ordinary Medina out at night when the night was so dark in the streets of Madinah. They want to confront the woman. Formerly poor people of Medina residents experiencing distress. When night came the women (who had difficulty) out into the streets to meet their intent. The wicked really want to seduce the ladies earlier. When they see women who wear hijab, they say, "This is a free woman. Do not let menggagunya. "But when they see women who are not veiled, they say," This is a slave woman. Let's confronting. "
Rahimahullah Mujahid said, "Let the women wear a headscarf might know what that included women's independence. If there is a veiled woman, the wicked people when met would not hurt her. "[10]
Explanation of the scholars on explaining the word of God about the benefits of hijab,
ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن
"That is so they are easier to be recognized." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Rahimahullah Syaukani Ash explained, "The verse (which means)," That is so they are easier to be known ", is not meant to be one of them is known, that is who she is. But what is meant is that they are known, which one is independent, which is still a slave. Because if they wear a headscarf, that means they wear clothing free man. "[11]
Which is what distinguishes the former slave and free women. This shows that women who are not veiled meaning still want him as a slave status. Only God who gave taufik.
Wearing hijab More Keeping Yourself
Regarding the verse,
ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين
"That is so they are easier to be known, therefore they are not alone." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
As Shaykh Sa'di rahimahullah said, "The above verse shows, people who do not wear the hijab would be more easily seduced. Because if a woman is not veiled, then people will think that he is not a ladies' afifaat (women really take care of myself or honor). Finally, people who have heart disease emerged in the not-not, then they hurt him and take it low like their belief that slave. Finally the people who want to apply lowers bad. "[12]
Allah is Forgiving
At the end of the verse, Allah Almighty says,
وكان الله غفورا
"And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59). Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "Allah is Forgiving and Merciful towards what has past in times of ignorance, at which time they (the women) had no knowledge of this." [13]
That is, for women who do not wear the hijab, God is still opening the door of repentance is still conceived during the life of the body, as long as the angel of death is yet to come in front of him.
Do not Forget to Da'wah to the Family
Da'wah to the family for the veiled and closed the genitalia, that's what should be the priority scale. Behold, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam just told to start from his wife and daughters before another woman believing women as a command at the beginning of the verse.
يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين
"O Prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters and wives of the believers"
This is as the word of Allah, the Exalted,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا
"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hell fire." (Surat at Tahrim: 6)
O Allah, open to family and friends our hearts are not veiled to be covered completely.
Praise be to God that with His blessings be perfect goodness.
[1] Rida 'and Izar is the clothes as when berihrom. Rida 'to the top, ihrom to the bottom.
[2] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, Ibn Kathir, Muassasah Qurthubah, 11/242.
[3] Fath Qadir, Ash Syaukani, Mawqi 'At Tafasir, 6 / 79.
[4] HR. Muslim, no. 890.
[5] Fath Qadir, 6 / 79.
[6] Zaadul Masiir, Ibn al-Jawzi, Mawqi 'At Tafasir, 5 / 150.
[7] Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, 'Abdurrahman ibn Nasir As Sa'di, Muassasah Ar Treatise, p.. 671.
[8] copied from http://muslimah.or.id/nasihat-untuk-muslimah/jilbabku-penutup-auratku.html
[9] See Tafseer Al Qur'an Al 'Azhim, 11/242.
[10] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 11/243.
[11] Fath Qadir, 6 / 79.
[12] Taisir Al Karimir Rahman, p.. 671.
[13] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 11/243.
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