Holy Is Half the Faith (2)

By: Ibn Tiangfei
In the previous article has explained about the importance of chastity for the people of Islam (along with some arguments from the Quran and hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). In this article will repeat some of the discussion of the previous article.
Indeed Islam is a religion of purity, so that Allah 'Azza wa Jalla makes holiness (thaharah) that perfectly legal conditions to be one of prayer. As word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"There is no holy prayer acceptable to God." (Narrated by Muslim). Photo: mt-alkahfi.blogspot.com
Islam invites his people to always purification (thaharah), both physically and holy scriptures in mind. Allah Almighty says, "Truly Allah loves those who repent, and loves those who purify themselves." (Surat al-Baqara: 222). Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Holy half of faith." (Narrated by Muslim). A Muslim who will perform the prayers of worship, he must purify himself first. One form of purification (thaharah) that disyariahkan in Islam is the ablution. Ablution hadats serves to eliminate small. Like: urination, defecation, and fart (exhaust air). In addition to its small hadats, someone who will pray, but he was fast asleep, then he must perform ablution again. |
Primacy Ablution
From Abdullah al-Shunabihi ra, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"If a servant of ablution, as she rinsed her mouth, out came his mistakes from his mouth. When he was cleaning the nose, out his mistakes from his nose. When he was washing face, get out his mistakes from his face to come out from the edge of his eyelids. When she wash hands, get out his mistakes from his hands to get out from under the nails his hand. When he rubbed his head, his mistakes out of his head to both ears. When he washed his legs, get out his mistakes from his feet to get out from under her toenails. Then, went to the mosque and his prayer as an additional reward. " (Reported by: Malik, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim).
From Abu Hurairah ra that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Will you show me that with God's deeds eliminate errors and uplift you?" The Companions replied, "Would you, O Messenger of Allah". He said, "(The practice is) complete ablution during dislikes, many steps towards the mosque, and waiting for the prayer after prayer. It is a struggle. It is a struggle. It is a struggle. " (Reported by: Malik, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, and an-Nasa'i).
Nu'aim al-Mujmir radi 'anhu said, "I ride with Abu Hurairah to the top of the mosque. He perform ablution and said,' I've heard the Prophet said," Verily my Ummah on the Day of Judgement will be called in a state of brilliant white of the former ablution . Whoever is able to widen its white, then do it about it. "(Narrated by Bukhari).
Fardhu Ablution
Ablution has some fardhu / pillar that must be done. If one of fardhu / pillars are not done, then ablution becomes invalid according to sharia. According to Sheikh Sayyid Sabiq in his book 'Fiqh al-Sunnah al-Thaharah chapter', there are six fardhu ablution, namely:
1. Intention
Basically the intention is the desire to do an act for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla by His law. Intention is a charity at heart, not into the tongue. Pronounce / say the intention is not in the sharia. Theorem of the intent is the hadeeth Omar r.a. that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Surely it depends on charitable deeds and real intentions of each person being paid according to what he intended." (Hadith narrated: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad).
2. Washing the face once
Its purpose is to drain the water to the entire surface of the face. While the restriction is from the top face of the forehead to chin and from the edge of one ear to ear the other side.
3. Wash both hands up to elbow
Elbow is the joint that separates between the forearm with upper arm. Siku is part of the body must be washed (wet), since this is always done by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
4. Wiping the head
Wiping means wetting. This can not be accomplished except with the movement of limbs that rub, rub with a rubbed. So, if you just put a hand or finger over the head (without friction), then this is not called a rub. There are several ways rubbed the head:
First, wipe all parts of the head.
From Abdullah bin Zaid: "That the Prophet PBUH. rubbed his head with both hands, ie both hands pulled from the front to back, starting from the front of his head, pulled toward the shoulder, then brought back to where it began earlier. " (Hadith narrated: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).
Second, just rubbed turban
From Amr bin Umayyad r.a. said: "I saw the Holy Prophet. turban and stroked both his shoes. " (Hadith narrated: Ahmad, Bukhari, and Ibn Majah).
From Bilal that the Holy Prophet. He said: "Rub both shoes and Khimar (headgear)". (Hadith narrated: Ahmad).
Third, rubbing the crown and the turban
In the hadith Mugheerah bin Shucba ra, mentioned that the Prophet. ablution. He rubbed the crown, turban, and two of his sandals. (Hadith narrated: Muslim).
5. Washed two feet to the ankles
Based on the Word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla,
"O ye who believe, if you want to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to elbow, and Rub your heads and (wash) your feet to the ankles." (Surat al-Ma'idah: 6).
From Ibn Umar r.a. said: "The Prophet PBUH. Disadvantaged from us in a journey. He followed us when Asr time has been narrow. We immediately made ablution and wiped our feet. He cried aloud two or three times, "Woe to the ankles from the Fire." (Hadith narrated: Bukhari and Muslim).
6. Orderly
Because Allah 'Azza wa Jalla in the verse (Surah Al-Ma'idah: 6) mentions fardhu ablution in order to separate both hands and both feet (the obligation is to wash them), with a head that must be rubbed.
Sunnah of the Prophet practiced. also in accordance with the ablution fardhu. There was no history of any one that says that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam perform ablution with serial no. Our duty as Muslims is taqwa of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla and follow the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. And Allaah knows best.
To be continued, Insha Allah.
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