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Let us bequeath Goodness

As the supreme creature of God's creatures, humans must perform its duties and mandate in the face of the earth kekhalifahannya well. Life should not be interpreted simply as a gift (enjoyment), but also mandate that demands the duties and responsibilities.

Man must work hard to be able to pass on the good that is large (Leaving a legacy) for mankind. If possible, it is greater than the age given by God. In a sense the job done, people have an understanding of diverse and different. At least, there are four stages in this matter.

First, people who work for a living (to live), rather than live to work. He defines his work simply looking for a bite of rice. The main motive is the physical-material work. This is a phenomenon most people ('ammat al-nas).

Second, people who work to enrich the comradeship (to love). He defines his work not only looking for treasure, but to reproduce the association and friendship. The main motive is a relation-social work, friendship, or communication amongst humans (interhuman relations).

Third, people who work to learn (to learn). He defines his work as a vehicle for seeking knowledge, the experience, and test capabilities. So, unlike the previous two, the main motive of this third person is an intellectual.
Then, fourth, people who work to share the pleasure and pass on the good of the maximum to others (to leave a legacy). He defines his work as worship to Allah SWT. The main motive is spiritual work (spiritual). Word of God, "And, I did not create the jinn and men but that they may serve Me." (Surat Al-Dzariyat [51]: 56).

A fourth person this is the best person as designated by the words of the Prophet SAW, "Khair-u al-nas anfa'uhum li al-nas (the best man is the greatest benefit for others)." (HR Thabrani from Jabir).

According to the author of the book Faydh al-Qadir, al-Manawi, the benefits that can be given through charity, namely our ability to share kindness to others, either through property (bi al-mal) and power (bi al-jah) we have. The legacy of kindness that, according to al-Manawi, the benefits could be something mundane, such as donations and material support, or it could be something worth religion (ukhrawi), such as science, thoughts and teachings that brighten and bring men to the good.

In fact, according to al-Manawi, a legacy in the form of the latter is considered more noble than the first. Why? Therefore, the second is to bring greater benefits for humans, not only in the world, but also in the Hereafter. And Allaah knows best.

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