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To Host 2022 World Cup, Qatar Assessed Promote Islamic Values

Many of the people of Qatar, both within and outside the country believe that the implementation of the 2022 World Cup round in his country could increase profits for the Arab and Islamic values and traditions of local communities to the world.

More than 80 percent of respondents in the survey via an online, sponsored by Al Sharq Felt, revealed the election of Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup is considered to promote Arab and Islamic culture.

As many as 16 percent of respondents disagreed with that argument. While 3 percent of respondents did not answer. According to some scholars and observers, the great football party will help Qatar to introduce the authenticity of the culture and traditions and norms of Islam that had been obscured negatively through media publications.

"We must tell people around the world that Islam is violently opposed to violence," said Ahmed Al Bueinein, business scholars of Sharia.

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