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A copy of the Koran Biggest In 1901 created in the digital version

One of the largest in the world copies of the Koran have been digitized by the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England. Qur'an is not air-title 'The Qansuh al-Ghuri Qur'an.

Muslim holy book was a Mamluk Sultan of Egypt's grip when he served in the early 16th century. Because it is too large and delicate to be displayed in the library, so the John Rylands library adopted a policy to double that and displays them in digital version.

Digitization efforts spelled Koran is not easy. However, that effort is a short-term processes to preserve the book (read: Qur'an). Page after page, the library staff to make the Koran the online version of the original text.

The Qur'an, previously purchased by the wife of John Rylands, Enriqueta range of 1901. Looking at age, and its significance is expected serajah scholarsall over the the world can learn it in all conditions ,including in conditions complicated though .

The process also allows staff to put back a page that has been erased from the Koran pages in the past. Because indeed, the Qur'an that old age is too soft to survive.

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