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The number of Palestinians on the World Wide Reach 11 Million People

The number of Palestinian citizens around the world reached 11 million people, a report said on Thursday. A total of more than half of Palestinians live outside the Palestinian state, says a report released by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

According to the report, in the Palestinian territories there are 4.1 million Palestinians who consisted of 2.5 million people living in the West Bank and 1.6 million people live in the area of the Gaza Strip.
Also in Israel there are 1.4 million Palestinians, while those living in Arab countries totaled as much as five million people and some 600,000 Palestinians living in other foreign countries.

Demographic factors are always an issue in the dispute between Palestine and Israel. At the end of 2010, a total of 5.5 million Palestinians live in the Palestinian territories and Israel while the number of Israelis in the region of 5.7 million, the report said. Palestinians hope to proclaim the sovereignty of his country in the region occupied by Israel since 1967.

Israel and the United States said that a Palestinian state should contribute to an agreed solution that halted in September due to the establishment of Israel has continued building in the West Bank.

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