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Holding Lust Corruption

By Ma'ruf Muttaqien

World and the lust it is like a shadow, both of which are close relatives. I was so close, they can bear a variety of infidelity enigma of life of our society today.

Starting from the question of the entertainment world who prefer to exploit the beauty of a woman's body, a number of conflicts in the election that often lead to conflict, to what is currently known as corruption by Greed, or corruption because of the nature of greed to be able to live among the luxury bermewah artists and officials.

Nothing wrong, if then lust is often likened to sea water, which when drunk but does not eliminate hunger will only increase the thirst. So, people will not indulge desires satisfied. While the world is like a like a mirage.

Allah SWT has hinted about the mirage that human beings often dazzling in surah Ali-Imran verse 14. "Cite this as a beautiful (view) the human love of what is desirable, namely: women, children, treasure that many of the types of gold, silver, horses, cattle, and rice fields. That's the joy of living in the world and on the side of God is the excellent return (Paradise). "

Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib once angry with his brother Aqil who asked him to take the cash money to pay off state debts. "I actually really want to help, but not with the money the state treasury," Ali said firmly. Aqil, of course, disappointed and kept pushing.
Until finally Ali was angry. "Because you kept pushing and did not want to listen to my opinion. I suggest something that can pay off your debt. Look at the boxes of money in that market, while market quiet, take!" Aqil was surprised, then asked, "Why have you sent me to steal money traders who worked hard all day?" Ali ibn Abi Talib and then replied, "Then, how can you urged me to steal money from the people of this country?"

Like a wagon wheel, this life will always revolve. Slice by slice along the pleasure, sorrow and lara. Sense of security, affection, and attention from other people come and go as each passing day. That is the secret of life is woven by God to his servants in the world.

Lust for luxury world is just going to make a wagon wheel reluctant to circle back, and not patterned knitted shattered lives. For that, just wait and pray right Time will make a wagon wheel back spin, and reveal the secret of life beauty.

Patience is the mother of all dreams and desires. While praying on time is to master the formula for the soul, the passions and desires, thoughts and oppose corruption. Patience and prayer time is a way to get closer to the owner of all the beauty and true pleasure.

1 Response to "Holding Lust Corruption"

  1. Unknown says:

    Nice article.. Thank

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