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Learning from the "Folly" Umar bin Khatab

By: Nur Akbar Agustiar

We would be familiar with Omar bin Khatab one of four prominent caliphs after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Umar also known for its ketegesan and tenderness of his heart. Even the Prophet SAW said, "If no prophet after me then he is Omar bin Khatab". (H.R Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

Narrated never once found the Prophet Muhammad Umar bin Khatab was crying and then laughing about the same. When asked what was causing it so. Umar bin Khatab explained that he thought his situation in the ignorant past. Why did he cry, he remembered when the ignorance he buried his daughter alive.

I wish I thought of her daughter is still alive. He will be with them. And grandchildren will get a lot of them.

So that made him laugh at the ignorance is when he used to make idols. Sometimes he made from wheat and sweets.

But when he was hit by hunger or famine. So he was forced to take the parts of graven images are then memakannya.Mendengar that Prophet Muhammad was also laughing.

From this story we can take a very valuable lesson. The period of ignorance is also known by the darkness or ignorance.

Where reason and conscience does not function properly. Call it the two things that mebuat Umar bin Khatab cry and laugh when remember it.

In the ignorance of women do not have price at all. Even having a daughter is a big disgrace. Since it is considered useless, can not fight and could not pass on the triumph and glory. Even women were considered something that can be inherited. Is like a good or a mere inanimate object.

Burying girls alive is inhumane. It therefore could be called typical person is ignorant does not have a conscience. Common sense also should reject this. But what happened is the opposite.

The second event, where Umar ibn Khatab ate his god that he has made his own. If common sense working properly then the mind will reject the god that can be made and eaten. Or the god that can be created and destroyed.

Once Umar ibn Khatab embraced Islam and became a friend of the Prophet Muhammad. He realized it would be folly. He regretted it when he foolishly bury his daughter alive. So he cried when remembering the event. And Umar bin Khatab laugh at his stupidity. How is possible, once he makes his god worship and eat it.

Praise be to Allah SWT, Essence of the Almighty, Most Great. With His Shari'a is carried through the hands of the prophet Muhammad SAW, has issued human beings from ignorance and the primitive's. And teaches us to use conscience as it should. It also teaches us to be a humane human. And Allaah knows best-bish shawab.

The writer is the Indonesian students currently studying in Cairo, Egypt.

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