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Ikhlas in charity

By Hamli Syaifullah

Alms is one of the theories given by Allah SWT to double properties. Whether it be multiplied in the world nor in the Hereafter. "Parable (living incurred by people who spend their wealth in Allah's way) is similar to a seed that grows seven points, in each grain, a hundred grains. God multiply (reward) for whom he wills. And God's vast (His grace), the Knower. " (Al-Baqarah [2]: 261).

Very very tempting lure offered by God in the verse. Where one compared with seven. This is what can not be realized by Muslims. An economic theory to invest the assets owned by the results many times over.
The above verse was used as a basis by some Muslim economists in allocating property. Where the daily consumption (total consumption) of a Muslim is the sum of consumption to worship with consumption for mundane or can be formulated as follows: Ct = Ci + Cw.

It can be concluded that for every property owned by a Muslim there are rights of others (mustahik) as an economy of solidarity to help those who berkesusahan for people who can berkesusahan solemn worship to God, without having to pawn akidahnya on the part of missionaries . "And whatever good you spend, Allah will replace it and He is giving sustenance as well as possible." (Surah as-Saba ': 39).

Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz once said: "Prayers mengantarkanmu half way, fasting mengantarkanmu to the door of al-Malik (The Supreme King), and alms put you into his presence." Ibn Mas'ud said: "Syahdan, there is a man men who worship God for seventy years, then he is committing adultery, then Allaah will remove all his deeds. After that, he ran into a poor, and give alms to him bread, then Allaah will forgive his sins and glorify back reward of worship seven year.
Ubaid bin 'Umar also said: "On the Day of Judgement people will be collected in a state of hunger that they had never experienced before, thirsty that they had never experienced before, so whoever feeds (person) by Allah, Allah will mengenyangkannya, any person to drink (person) by Allah, Allah will meminuminya, and whoever gives clothing (person) by Allah, Allah will membusanainya. "

Thus the primacy of charity. Not fitting for us to be miserly and stingy to fellow humans, let alone to help our brothers who are experiencing economic slump. With charity, we share our happiness with others and finds that God will also glorify people who always sincere in charity.

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