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Three Types of Judges, Only One entrance into Heaven

By A Dr Ilyas Ismail

Attitudes and behavior of judges is always highlighted, both in the past or the present. The reason, besides having great authority and power, the judge also often face the temptation that is also unusually large, especially the temptations of wealth and riches of the world.

Interesting listened to, a very popular tradition that is expressed by the authors of the book of Sunan that the judges were only three people. One person in heaven and in hell the other two. A person who is in heaven is a judge who knows the truth, then lays down the law with the truth. He was in heaven. One again, the judges know the truth, but deceitful. He did not lay down the law based on truth. He was in hell. The other, judges are stupid, do not know the truth, and establish laws on the basis of the passions. He is also in hell. (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah).

Thus, the true and honest judges, based on the above hadith, only one-third, while the remaining two-thirds of the judges who are corrupt and deceitful. This Hadith, according to experts of hadith, al-Munawi, a reprimand and warning to the judges so that they maintain the honesty and integrity. This Hadith, al-Munawi continued, speaking at the levels of reality (bi hasb al-existent) and not based on the ideals informal (la bi al-hukm hasb).

In the Koran, the rulers and all law enforcement officials, including judges, pegged to have a dual nature, that is fair and trustworthy. Without these two properties, the tough law enforcement officers do not get caught up in crime and mafia law practice. "Allah commands you convey trust to those who deserve, and (told you) if the judge between people that you assign to the fair." (Sura al-Nisa '[4]: 58).
This verse, according to the world's great scholars, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a very important and specifically addressed to the authorities. Fair in this verse means to understand the truth (God's Laws) and set the case on the basis of truth with an honest, fair and indiscriminate accordance with the principle equal before the law. While meaningful mandate, among others, responsible, uphold the oath of office, professional, and uphold the glory of the judges and the judiciary.

According to Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, the Deputy who was known to be fair, the integrity of law enforcement is largely determined by the competence of intellectual, moral, and spiritual in their 5 things. If any one of the five competencies are not met it, according to Abdul Aziz, the law enforcement would not survive the disgrace or disrepute.

The five competencies were, respectively expressed as follows. First, fahiman, namely good understanding about the law. Second, Haliman, has a conscience and courteous nature. Third, `afifan, keep away from sins and evil. Fourth, shaliban, assertiveness principle. Fifth, Aliman saulan `` an al-`ilm, has extensive knowledge and insight as well as much discussion. Only through law enforcement with morality and integrity, law and justice can be enforced in this country. Others do not. Wallahu a`lam.

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