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Finding the Best Position of Women Ulema

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Depok - limited government power in an effort to protect the rights of women, especially migrant workers can be supported by the existence of a true scholar of women's role as part of the race leader. The role is realized through the power of religious knowledge to be critical and able to analyze each issue of women. Unfortunately, the movement of women clergy tend to be limited in certain areas.

"Scholars of women not only could be a reference to the religious discourse that is often asked of women, but also a kind of everyday problems of households, employment and other issues not related to religious issues," said the blessing Muntazah, head of Pondok Pesantren Putri Kempek, Cirebon , West Java, while speaking at the seminar "The Future of Women's Leadership Scholars held at Wisma Hijau, Depok, West Java, on Tuesday (23/11).

Blessing to explain acts of violence against women at the grass roots of society that occurred during this because of religious arguments passed, hadith, Qur'anic verses and cultural culture. Unfortunately, he said, the rule was reinforced by the existence of the fatwa ulama including asaatidzah who interpret textually. "The condition is reflected in the expression of defeatism among women due to fear of sin, feared being labeled disobedient and others," he explained.

Afmah aware that textual meaning is applied also influenced a number of things like the argument that religious studies be a reference still gender-biased, fairly common understanding of most women lower than men from the study of the yellow books, boarding schools as a grassroots organization not being open. "It takes the right strategy to eliminate these factors one through a light approach and communication and Islamic, such as al Musawah, al-Adli, al ma'ruh, and al sakinah," he said.
In addition, the blessing went on, scholars have engaged in the worship of the wider social and active. For social worship has a benefit equal to the worship mahdoh alone. "Socialization is intense, with the strengthening of religious discourse is gender equitable solution to realize the role of women scholars who complete their community needs in terms of religion and the world in harmony," he concluded.

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