Interfaith Dialogue, is often hampered Why?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Dialogue between religions is not new in Indonesia, although a new momentum to increase, particularly since the early 1970s, when Suharto's government wants to create political stability and security for the implementation of national development. For centuries, Indonesian Muslims live peacefully with non-Muslim communities.
Tension and disruption could occur some time in the area and certain location. But clearly, disruption and even interreligious violence never spread to other areas so that conflict and interreligious violence in large scale has never happened in the country.
However the potential for tensions and conflicts between (and also intra) religion remains. In recent months, the case of the refusal of the church in Bekasi and violence against the Ahmadis are often raised in the media and abroad. Last weekend, Al-Jazeera TV, for example, in an interview with me expressing concern about the future of interreligious harmony and harmony in Indonesia. For me, the cases of `isolated '(isolated cases) it must be observed, although not necessary to conclude a ngebyah uyah that interreligious tolerance in Indonesia have faded. At the same time, people do not need to harbor exaggerated fear-fear of exaggeration, though no longer a future of religious harmony in this country. For me, Indonesia remains a country where tolerance and harmony between and intraagama continue to survive. |
However, religious harmony should not be considered complete. Together with the continued disorientation and social disruption and inconsistencies and government security forces in preventing conflict among religious, ketidakrukunan potential is still there.
Most obviously, of tension and conflict was seen mainly involves the construction of houses of worship. There is a strong tendency, minority groups is difficult to build houses of worship in the territory of each particular religious majority.
This, for example, seen in the difficulty of non-Muslims, especially Christians to build churches in the township and the Muslim-majority region. Vice versa, the Muslims also face the same difficulties when they want to build a mosque or prayer room in areas where they are minorities.
This phenomenon is a reflection of religious psychological anxiety. In the perspective of the majority, the presence of other religious groups - are symbolically reflected in the house of worship - is considered open only cause social disruption and intrusion, but while creating religious psychological disorders. Religious fears like these are not always expressed, but can be felt each religious community.
Fear and the mutual suspicion between religious communities is different is the latent potential that continues to survive within their own psyche. Psychology that is not conducive atmosphere must be addressed, if different harmony among religious believers can be maintained and strengthened.
Therefore, the approach and the way to go is the dialogue between (and also intra) religion an honest, forthright, and brave. For me, this opportunity comes a day after the Eid al-Adha last week when a guest speaker in the XIV Congress of Southeast Asia Major Superiors (seams) - an order of priests, brothers, and Catholic nuns. They want dialogue, frankly, as they say in a letter to me: "As a Muslim leader, [we want to know how] we usually are (priests, brothers, and sisters) are recognized and criticized.
What typically is in the minds and hearts of Muslims when they hear about us with such an identity, and when met with us in a society and nation; how real perspective and `resistance 'of the Muslims in interfaith dialogue?
Respond to this request, obviously Among Islam strongly encourages dialogue (and intra) religion in order to build the Earth God and humanity better. Furthermore, for me, if you want to be honest, there are suspicions that many Muslims and Christian denominations are always trying to convert Muslims with a variety of ways, including that no fair, take advantage of backwardness and poverty of the Muslim community. In contrast, Christians continue to suspect Muslims are always trying to make Indonesia an Islamic state and implement Sharia `'which threaten their existence.
Mutual suspicion is not easily eliminated because it has lasted so long. However, suspicions could be reduced - if not eliminated altogether - to develop openness and religious praxis always consider the sensitivity of each religious community. If this can be done, undoubtedly Indonesia's diverse religious communities can continue to strengthen the cohesion and harmony, which certainly is a very important contribution to the advancement and welfare of the Indonesian nation.
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