200 Researcher Discusses Islamic Banking in Yogyakarta

At least 200 people researchers, academics, and observers of Islamic banking in Indonesia will discuss about the economic system at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (in St. Louis), Thursday (9 / 12) future in the Islamic Banking Research Forum.
The event was held by Bank Indonesia, Islamic Economic Society (MES) DIY, the Association of Islamic Economics (IAEI), Islamic Economic Forum Study Gathering (FOSSEI) and in St. Louis. Chief Researcher at the Directorate of Islamic Banking BI, Dani Gunawan, said the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia exceeds the growth of Islamic banking internationally.
"The growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia reached 35 percent per year while the international average is only 18 per cent / year. Even so our market share of new common banking 3 percent nationally. Still tinhggi Malaysia which reached 20 percent," he explained in in St. Louis, Friday (3 / 12). In fact, he said, Indonesia is a country that has the largest Muslim population in the world. However, the economic reverberations of Islamic banking in the world especially from Indonesia has not so audible. Echoes of Islamic banking in the world is a lot coming from Singapore and Malaysia. That's why the BI, he said since the year 2008 and then create a forum for Islamic banking research each year. This year the activities were held in in St. Louis. |
Through these activities, it wanted to gather and explore the research of many experts on Islamic banking. The hope through this research will be no new thoughts and patterns that can be used to develop Islamic banking in Indonesia and the world. With so expected growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia has become fertile.
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