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Location of Mount Merapi Disaster Area Proposed to be a Collective Savanna

The team of researchers from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta proposed location of Mount Merapi disaster which buried volcanic material used as a collective savanna region. Collective savanna region serves as a source of animal feed and shelter the free zone and erect the building, with secured land tenure remains in the hands of citizens.

"All the settlements at the foot of Mount Merapi volcanic material piled up, we would make a great amount of collective savanna region," said team coordinator UGM, Sudaryono, Saturday (4 / 12).

According Sudaryono, in 'Ideas Workshop Spatial Merapi', it should be collective savanna area planted with crops of taro, bananas, and grass. In the short to medium term, only three plants that can grow in areas that were buried volcanic material.

"The whole area of hamlets buried material Merapi has now become a new corridor of lava and hot clouds slide mountain," said the lecturer Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering that.

Sudaryono said, if it will be inhabited again, expected to carry a high risk in the future when the eruption and hot clouds crashing back to the area. "Areas that are now buried volcanic material from overflowing lava of Merapi has a thickness of sand reaching 20-10 meters, 200 meters wide, and a length of 15 kilometers," he explained.
Meanwhile, the head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of Geological Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Surono said, the arrangement of space to residential neighborhood residents living around Merapi need to consider several aspects. "Aspects of it include cultural, social, and economic. In that context needs a holistic spatial planning scenarios," he said.

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