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Islamic World Satellites Soon Become Reality

Iranian Telecommunication Minister Reza Taqipour said Turkey, Pakistan and some Arab countries declared their readiness to collaborate with Iran in the design and launch satellites of the Islamic world. Tehran first announced plans to launch satellite with the OIC under the name "Besharat" into space with the participation of member countries of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in February 2009.

"Apart from Iran, some Arab countries, Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia will participate in the development and launch of satellite Besharat," said Taqipour told Mehr news agency yesterday. Tehran said the Islamic countries can use these satellites to map accurately, and overcoming the hazards and natural disaster.

In October, the Iranian Parliament ratified a law allowing the government to increase efforts to design and launch satellites and satellite operators. On Monday, members of the Iranian parliament voted to support draft Article 49 of the Iranian year development plan 2011-2015, which will allow the government set up the infrastructure required for satellite projects.

Iran has joined countries with expertise satellite launched in 2009. It was marked by the launch of child domestic-made satellite, Omid Setelit transported into space using a rocket Safir. Tehran also plans to send its first manned space mission into space in 2019.

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