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Muhammad Institute Want to Build The Space Launch Site in Canada

Muhammad Institute for Space Studies, an organization in Canada dedicated to placing the Islamic world back to the forefront of scientific discovery, to build a space rocket launch facility in Canada.

Muhammad, who is also Head of the Institute astrophysicist Vancouver, Redouane Al Fakir, of the opinion if countries like India, China, and Japan could launch a satellite into space then Canada could do the same.

''It could not be maintained longer if Canadians do not have the ability to launch a space rocket,''said Al Fakir in an interview.

Al Fakir want all the people of Canada are involved in this project. He offers the first space launch for his country. According to him, this is only a matter of time.

The father of two children aged 50 years who is now a British astronomer at Columbia University, has decided to do something in order to realize these dreams. The purpose originally, he wanted to launch a spacecraft or satellite to orbit Earth. After that evolved into the moon, Mars, and other space.

Al Fakir was looking for two locations on the beach that will be the center of the launch of this spacecraft, which is in Tofino and Prince Rupert. Second place was quite secluded location, but still accessible by road, making it idel for the site.
He also is collecting its funding mainly from the Middle East, although it is not easy. Al Fakir estimates will cost about 100 million U.S. dollars to build the rocket launching facilities and 500 million U.S. dollars to launch the rocket.

Al Fakir money already pledged $ 250 dollars to start raising funds from overseas. In fact, he recently started a trip to Doha, Qatar, to explain his plan to officials there. He claimed delighted with the support given to him. ''I was surprised because they are very enthusiastic about listening to the plan.

In addition to Qatar, he hoped to cooperate with other Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. ''Of course, these countries are one big cultural unity, and we want to cooperate with the Islamic world, with the Gulf states and others such as Malaysia and Indonesia,''he said.

Al Fakir also will take advantage of the Institute of Muhammad's connection to get a non-government investors to realize the project. Institute of Muhammad is a nonprofit institution founded in 2008 and located on the campus of the University of British Columbia.

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