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The essence of Hijrah

Hijri New Year events always remind Muslims migrated to the event and the companions of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. Most important events in sirah Rasulullah that is the foundation behind the selection of the name of the Islamic calendar.

Certainly not without reason Commander of the Faithful 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab set hijrah events as the basis for calculating the year in the Muslim calendar. Hijrah means to move with the left one place to another place, or altered by leaving a condition to get to the other conditions. In Islam, there are two kinds of hijrah.

First, migrate hissiyyah (physically moved with switching places), from Dar khauf (country unsafe and not conducive) to the Dar AMN (the country is relatively safe and conducive), such as the hijrah from Mecca to Habasyah City (Ethiopia) and from Mecca to Medina.

Second, ma'nawiyyah migrated (hijrah value). Namely, by leaving the values or conditions of ignorance to change toward the values or conditions Islami, as in the aspect of belief, worship, morality, thinking and mindset, muamalah, social, lifestyle, family life, work ethic , self-management, time management, mission management, struggle, sacrifice, as well as aspects of ourselves and other life in accordance with the demands and consequences of Islamic faith.

If the move is conditional and situational hissiyyah and must comply with certain conditions, migrate ma'nawiyyah absolute and permanent, and simultaneously is a requirement and the basis for the implementation hissiyyah hijrah.
Hijrah ma'nawiyyah This is actually the nature and essence of the command moved it. The key is the word change! Yes, when someone has vowed creed and claim to have faith and berislam, she should direct her ma'nawiyyah migrate towards a total change - would still follow the principle tadarruj (phasing) - according shibghah rabbaniyah (see Surah Al-Baqarah [ 2]: 138) and meet the demands of the kaffah berislam (see Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 208).

In order to welcome - and not celebrate - new year 1432 Hijri, we must do muhasabah and self-introspection by asking, how far the changes, the increase and improvement in self-Islami has happened and our lives, both in the scale of individual, group, congregation, community , the nation, as well as in the scale of Muslims as a whole?

Let us make this momentum Hijri New Year as a motivating factor reformer spirit and determination to keep ourselves and moved toward the totality of the life of Islam as a precondition and basis in carrying out missionary mandate and enforce the obligation of jihad fi dinullah sabilillah to win and reach the heaven and the pleasure of God.

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