Patience and Trust
By Sholehudin A Aziz
In the midst of calamity that struck our beloved country, a lot of calls scholars and national leaders that we should be patient and put their trust in Allah SWT. Only with patience and trust, all of the tests or trials and that disaster can pass well, to bring goodness and blessing.
However, patience and trust is sometimes too easy to say, but difficult to realize in the practice of daily life. Finally, patience and trust only becomes mere slogans and jargon, minus the actual application. Patience is a characteristic of true believers in addition to gratitude, as mentioned in a hadith of the Prophet that says, "What a unique attitude of the believers. All that happened to him is considered good. There is no attitude like that, except in people who believe. If you get the ease he was grateful, it is considered good for him. And, if overwritten difficulty he be patient, it is considered good for him. "
In another occasion, the Prophet Muhammad always taught the people affected in a manner most advantageous to themselves, namely patience and introspection (al-ihtisab), giving the reason that patience and introspection will be able to alleviate the misfortune and multiply the reward. He also asserted that many complained, annoyed, and angry will increase the burden of calamity and relieve the reward. Prophet explains that there is no grace of God better and more extensive for His servants than patience. Because God Almighty really love the people who are patient. (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 146). Patience does not come by itself, but it should be sought and socialized to become the main character himself. This is where it takes sacrifice and struggle against the desires of our hearts abstinence self. |
Rest assured, armed with patience, certainly the whole issue will be completed in the best way. Allah says, "Truly I have rewarded them this day because of their patience. Surely they are the ones who win." (Surat al Mu'minun: 111).
Meanwhile, the trust is a true complementary nature of the patient. Trust is the heart of all test and trial surrender to His will. According to al-Hafi Basyar and Yahya bin Muaz, trust is closely related to our pleasure of God as protector in life.
The presence of trust in themselves will bring the ease of overcoming the problem. Because we really expect relief and ease only from Allah the Almighty and Supreme Benefactor. The author believed, when the combination of patience and trust yourself and always present in every human soul, the ease and success will be his best achievement. May we all, including those who are patient and trust. Amen.
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