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Michigan Muslims help Christians Poor At Christmas

Over the last 20 years, hundreds of local Jews voluntarily at Christmas to help poor Christians celebrate their holiday. But because December 25 falls on Saturday this year - the day of worship for Jews - the city's Muslim community in his place. They were neck and neck in soup kitchen preparing food.

The Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan with 400 volunteers hoping to help thousands of poor Michigan. On Friday, the Jews will prepare everything for Christmas. On Saturday, Muslims continue, including distributing food and gifts for the poor Christians.

Actually, this is not the first time they work together. Last year, the Jewish community invited the Muslim community to help prepare for Christmas for the first time. That partnership continues this year, with several Muslims to help on Christmas Eve, too.

"We now have a lot of contacts, and we also have a better understanding," said Freya Weberman, 51, of Huntington Woods, who joined the Jewish Community Relations Council of Metro Detroit to provide toys in Detroit today.

Gigi Salka, 41, a Muslim from Bloomfield Township whose children will also become volunteers expressed readiness to help Christmas. "Islam teaches us to do good to anyone," she said.
For her, interact and forge relationships with people from different backgrounds is part of his daily life.

"My friends from all different faith traditions," says Salka. On an individual level, "This is how you change hearts and minds, as well as personal connections."

According to her, the number of Muslims who are willing to engage in social activities is also increasing. If last year only 60 Muslim volunteers who helped 900 Jews, so this year the number doubled to 400 people.

"We have a lot in common," said Micki Grossman, a Jewish activist. "Let us look for similarities rather than differences."

Victor Begg of Bloomfield Hills, co-founder of the Islamic council who helped to lead the volunteer effort said, "It is part of our community efforts to bridge the gap."

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