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20 of The Oral Diseases

1. Speaking of something that does not need

Rasulullah SAW said: "Among the features of Islamic perfection a person is when he is able to leave something that he does not need" HR At Tirmidziy

Speech that does not need is the word that if you still have no sin, and will not endanger themselves or others. Like asking something that is not required. Sample questions to others "if you are fasting, if you answered YES, it makes people riya, if answered NO when he was fasting, it is a lie, if still not answered, the questioner is considered disrespectful. If you avoid the question by changing the subject so difficult to others looking for - looking for material, and so on.
The disease is caused by a strong desire to know everything. Or lip service to show concern and love, or just fill the time with stories that are not useful. These actions included in the moral turpitude.

Treatment is to realize that time is the most valuable capital. If not used effectively then it will hurt yourself. further realize that every word that comes out of the mouth will be held accountable. utterance that comes out can be a stairway to heaven or to hell trap nets. In applicative we try to train yourself always quiet of the things that are not needed.

2. Fudhulul-Kalam (Overuse of speech)

These actions are categorized as moral turpitude. He includes a discussion of useless, or speak something useful but exceed the needs of the taste. Like something enough to say with one word, but delivered with a two-word, the second word is "fudhul" (excess). Word of God: "There is no good in most of the promptings of them except the promptings of the person
Telling alms, do ma'ruf, or peace among men "QS.4: 114.

Rasulullah SAW said: "Fortunately, people who can hold excess interlocutor, and menginfakkan excess property" HR. Al Baghawiy.

At Taymiy Ibrahim said: A believer when he was about to speak, he thinks first, if the benefit she said, and if not then do not say. While people fajir (disobedience) actually just his verbal flow "

Yazid ibn Abi Hubaib said: "Among the pious slander is when he would rather talk than listen. If someone else is enough to talk, then listening is salvation, and polished speech there, enhancements and reductions.

3.Al Khaudhu fil false (To be involved in the talks that vanity)

Discussion of vanity is a talk ma'siyat, such as telling about the woman, celebrity associations, etc., which are not spelled out in number. Talk like this is haram act, which would make the perpetrators perish. Rasulullah SAW said:

"Surely there is someone who speaks with a speech that God murkai, he did not expect the result, then God note that the wrath of Allah until the Day of Resurrection" Ibn Majah.

"One of the most sins on the Day of Resurrection is the person most involved in the talks vanity" Reported by Ibn Abiddunya.

Allah told the Fire. When asked why, they replied: "... and are we talking about the vanity along with people who talk about" QS. 74:45

Against those who deride the Holy Qur'an, Allah warns the believers: "... so do not you sit down with them, so they entered the conversation to another. (But if you do so) would you like with them. "QS. 4:140

4.Al Jidal (arguing and debate

The debate is despicable is the attempt dropped the others by attacking and criticizing the conversation, consider it stupid and inaccurate. Usually people who were attacked did not feel like it, and the attacker wants to show the faults of others to make it look extra herself.

This is usually caused by taraffu '(a sense of pride) because of the strengths and knowledge, by attacking the shortcomings of others.

Rasulullah SAW said: "There will be a people astray after they get the guidance of Allah, unless they do the debate" HR. At Tirmidziy

Imam Malik ibn Anas said: "The debate will harden the hearts and bequeath resentment"

5.Al Khusumah (quarrel)

If those who argue against the opinion of others to drop the opponent and lifted strengths. So al khusumah is the attitude to win in the talk (insisted) to acquire rights or property of others, who are not entitled. This attitude may be a reaction to other people, can also be done from the beginning to talk.

A'ishah said, Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily, the most hated man of God is a person of hostile and contentious" HR. Al Bukhariy

6.Taqa 'ur fil-kalam (suppress speech)

Taqa'ur fil-kalam means menfasih-fasihkan speech with self mamaksakan bersyaja 'and pressing the sound, or the use of foreign words. Rasulullah SAW said:

"Actually I hate most people and most distant from me on the Day of Resurrection, are the ones who ruqyah poor among you, that is a lot of people talking, pressing the sound, and menfasih-fasihkan said." HR. Ahmad

Not included in this case is the expression of the preachers in giving advice, as long as not excessive or the use of foreign words that make the listener does not understand it. Because the main purpose of the sermon is to inspire the heart, and stimulates the listener to realize. This is where it takes the forms of words that touch.

7.Berkata vile, filthy and trash

Say vile, filthy is something that is considered obscene disclosure / taboo with vulgar expressions, such as matters relating to sexual dengn, etc.. This includes a disgraceful act that banned religion. The Prophet said:

"Stay away from evil deeds. For Allah does not like something vile and heinous act "in another narration:" Heaven is unlawful for any person who despicable ". HR. Ibn Hibbaan

"The believer is not a person who likes to blaspheme, curse, saying vile and dirty" HR. At Tirmidziy.

There was a A'rabiy (inland) asks testament to the Prophet: The Prophet replied: "Bertaqwalah to God, if there are people who denounced the shortcomings, then do not you reply to denounce shortcomings. Then there are sins and reward him have you. And do not chide anyone. A'rabiy said earlier: "Since then I never again berate people." HR. Ahmad.

"Included in the big sin is to berate the parents themselves" The Companions asked: "How can anyone berate parents themselves? The Prophet replied: "He's a parent berate other people, then that person turns berate their parents." HR. Ahmad.

Vile and nasty words are caused by the dirty condition of the soul, that harm others, or because the habit themselves from association with the wicked (sinful) or other ungodly.

8. La'nat

The cause of the emergence of a curse on a fellow human being usually is one of the following three properties, namely: Kufr, heresy and impious. And the level of the curse is as follows:

a. Curse by using common properties, such as: may Allah curse the infidels, heretics and expert wicked.

b. Curse with a more specialized nature, such as: may God curse inflicted upon the Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians, etc..

c. Curse to certain people, such as: the so and so la'natullah. This is very dangerous except to certain people who have God-given curse like Pharaoh, Abu Lahab, and so on. And people other than that God has determined it still has another chance

The curse is directed towards animals, inanimate objects, or certain people who did not specify the curse of Allah, then it is a disgraceful act of thirst shunned. Word of the Prophet:

"The faithful are not the ones who like to condemn the" HR At Tirmidziy

"Do not condemn each other with the curse of God, His wrath and blasted" HR. At Tirmidziy.

"Those who condemn each other will not get the intercessor and a witness on the Day of Resurrection" HR. Muslim

9. Ghina '(chants) and Syi'r (poetry)

Poem is the phrase that if good content then the good value, and if it is also bad bad value. Only tajarrud (focusing) to just write poetry is moral turpitude. Rasulullah SAW said:

"In fact meet the cavity with pus, it's better than to fill it with poetry" Narrated by Muslim. Said Eve directs this hadith in poetry-laden bad.

Poetry in general is not prohibited if in it there is not a bad phrase. The proof is the Messenger of Allah had ordered Hassan bin Thabit to recite poetry poem against infidels.

10. Al Mazah (Sendau joke)

In general mazah is a disgraceful act that banned religion, except a small portion is allowed. Because the joke is often times there are lies, or duping friends. Joke that is allowed is a good joke, do not lie / lie, do not hurt others, not excessive and does not become a habit. As a joke with the wife of the Prophet and his companions.

Habit will bring someone joked at the deeds that are less useful. Besides, this habit will reduce the authority.

Umar bin Khatthab said: "He who a lot of joking, then he will be underestimated / despised."

Said ibn al-Ash says to his son: "O my son, do not joke with the noble, then he will revenge you, do also joked with the subordinate will be against you"

11. As Sukhriyyah (Mockery) and Istihza '(ridicule)

Sukhriyyah means belittle others by reminding disgrace / drawbacks to be laughed at, either by oral stories or demonstration in front of him. If you do not in the presence of the person concerned is called backbiting (gossip).

The act is forbidden in religion. God's Word:

"O ye who believe, do not you make fun of other people (because) may be mocked those who are better than those who mock and women also do not make fun of other women (because) maybe women who mocked it better than making fun of "QS. 49:11

Muadz ibn Jabal ra. said: The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "He who denounced the sins of his brother who has repented, and he shall not die before you do" HR. At Tirmidziy

12. Spreading the secret

Spreading the secret is prohibited. Because he will disappoint others, friends and people underestimate the rights that are recognized. Rasulullah SAW said:

"Those are the worst place in the Day of Judgement, is a man who has intercourse with his wife, then he tell me his secret." HR. Muslim

13. False promises

The mouth is often faster promised, later corrected heart and decided not to fulfill that promise. This attitude becomes a sign of hypocrisy someone.

Word of God: "O believers stick to the promise ..." Surah 5:1

Praising Allah to the Prophet Ismail as: "Truly he is a true promise .." Qur'an 19:54

Rasulullah SAW said: "There are three things that if there is at someone then he is the hypocrites, although fasting, prayer, and confessed Muslim. If you speak a lie, if the promises broken, and if credible khiyanat "Muttafaq alaih from Abu Hurairah

14. Lie in talk and swear

Lying in this case is the worst sins and defects of the most foul. Rasulullah SAW said:

"Verily, lying would drag people to cheat. And fraud will drag people to hell. And indeed someone who is lying will continue to lie until he is recorded with Allah as a liar "Muttafaq alaih.

"There are three groups that God will not rebuke and looked at the Day of Judgement, namely: people who rehash of administration, people who sell wares with perjury, and people who elongate fabric sheath" Narrated by Muslim.

"Alas people to laugh at people speak lies, damned him, hurt him" Abu Dawud and At Tirmidziy

15. Backbiting (gossip)

Backbiting is a disgraceful act that banned religion. Prophet once asked his companions about the meaning of backbiting. Answer the Companions: "Only Allah and His Messenger, who knows." Word of the Prophet: "backbiting is to tell something from your brother, that if he heard it he does not like it." The Companions asked: "If you are told it is there? The Prophet replied: "If there's backbiting, if not then you have been making it up" Muslim.

The Qur'an calls this act as eating your own flesh (Qur'an 49:12)

Backbiting can occur with a variety of ways, not just words, can also writing, demonstrations. etc..

The things that led to backbiting is the following things:

1. Vent frustration / anger

2. Fun friend or participation talk / story

3. Felt it would be criticized or dcela others, so that people who considered going to denounce it fell first.

4. Rid yourself of a certain attachment

5. The desire for style and pride, with others denounce

6. Envy / jealous with other people

7. Kidding and joking, just killing time

8. Insult and belittle others

Backbiting therapy as treatment of disease other character that is with science and charity.

In general science to realize that backbiting was faced with the wrath of God. Then look for what made him do it. Because in general the disease will be easily cured with meotong cause.

Telling the shortcomings of others can be justified if there are reasons for this:

1. Others complain of injustice to qadhi

2. Ask for help to change munkar

3. Request a fatwa, as did the wife of Abu Sufyan, the Prophet.

4. Muslims warned over bad person

5. People who identified with bad nicknames, such as al a'raj (lame), and so on.

6. The man who told her shame, do it openly (mujahir)

Important things to do someone who has done backbiting are:

1. Regret what it ghibahnya

2. Repent, will not repeat

3. Apologize / lawful from people who talked about.

16. Namimah (adu sheep)

17. Two-tongued words

18. Laud

19. Less accurate in speech (phonetic similarity)

20. Involve yourself silly on some knowledge and questions that complicate


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