3 A group of Experienced Regret To Be Human
In a few verses, the Qur'an informs future events that will be experienced by a group of human beings in the hereafter. Form of 'regret' over the track record of his life that are far from Islamic values for the world. The expression of regret was immortalized with the phrase "Yes Laitani". Regret that only came out, but could not materialize. Because the time it was too late.
Perhaps, this information provides a lesson for those who still live in the world. To be vigilant, not to regret it experienced in the Hereafter. Better still, if you regret it happening in the world. Because in the world, there is a chance to change for the better. On the contrary, regret in the afterlife is not useful, except the Fire.
Then, what are the remorse-remorse that will be experienced by a group of human beings?, The answer is as follows:First Regret: Regret At death's door Sakarat can be interpreted as a drunk or lost sense of everything. The Prophet told him, "remember to multiply the world who decide delicacy, which is death." Certainly true death's door, he will approach every human being. Many causes of death, but only one is certain that death's door. At this event, the culprit because bertautanlah second calf will die enormity of death's door. At death's door came, terekamlah all traces of human activity, namely good and bad deeds. When that appears good record, the offender will not feel afraid, even welcome happy, because it will get the reward. But on the contrary, when a recording emerged of ugliness, confronted him with a terrible misery. He also will regret it and say "Return to me, so I can do good and pious charity". But unfortunately, this regret not useful, azal not be postponed and moved forward. For this reason, the end of everything. |
Second Regret: Regret Currently Viewing Comrade Tortured in Hell Close
As a social makhlus, every human being not out of friendship with others. In fact, character and personality of a person depends on the friend / neighborhood where he was. Therefore, it is advisable to be careful when making friends. Religious people will follow the religion of his close friend.
Both the friendship of the world's poor will be recorded clearly in the Hereafter. Friendship based on obedience and kataqwaaan, will provide assistance / help each other. In contrast, friendships are forged on the basis of iniquity, will make it adversarial. Each other will accuse the other as the cause of the entry into hell. Groups of people will be sorry to say, "Forgive us our sins O Lord!". In QS: Azzuhruf 67, Allah says "Friends close on that day some become enemies of one another except for those who fear Allah"
Third Regret: Regret As Shown Charity Book Notes
Each of us, accompanied by two angels in charge of recording all our charity, when and where we are. This entry will be recorded in a personal notebook that will be distributed in the Hereafter. Those who receive a note with a bad track record, would feel shocked, wide-eyed and regret. They say, What the hell is this? Why are all listed? How come I never committed this sin? Though I can not remember anymore. They forget that all the deeds of the world's smallest recorded by Allah SWT that is reflected in a personal note. They were sorry, and wants back into the world to do pious deeds. And again, this remorse was too late and useless.
How to Avoid Regret It?
The events above are the picture of the future has been informed to every human being who lives in the world. The lesson, how to we do not experience regret it. The solution, as long bertaubatlah still given the opportunity to live in the world and return to the teachings of Islam. People who live in a habit, it will be turned off in the habit, and was raised in the custom of that. If we get used to the values of Islam, then we will shut down and resurrected in a state of Islam.
So too in search of friends and the environment, find one that can take to the streets so they can escape Allah in the Hereafter. Next multiply the pious charity for personal records received good results and exciting future.
Source: www.nasehatislam.com
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