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A Historical Monument called The Temple Nassief

One of the places worth visiting while you enjoy the atmosphere of Al-Balad, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is an ancient building which has recently been renovated. Imposing building called the Temple Nassif (Nassif House) This is one of the most luxurious houses in Al-Balad. He is now regarded as a symbol of wealth in the past Jeddah.

Nassif Temple is now a cultural center where you can attend the exhibition or special lectures given by experts in their fields.

By browsing each room in it, we can learn a lot about the interior as if contained in the houses in Al-Balad in the past.

One interesting point is finally revealed when the five-story building houses, they use camels trained to go up and down carrying construction materials and goods, especially to the kitchen on the fourth floor. Indeed, this staircase-shaped ramp which separated the transverse beams, until comfortable for humans or animals to walk on it.

Nassif Temple had 106 rooms are partially used as a showroom works of art are amazing. In addition to works of art from wood, you can view the works of Arabic calligraphy on tile or wall.

There is an interesting anecdote related to how large and complex building. On one occasion, a thief entered the house. Of course, not with good intentions. But in wandering in the house, he realized that he really lost. Too long he tries to find a way out, but still lost. Finally he lost his mind and despair. When someone found him, he immediately gave up and asked for arrest!
People usually recognize the Temple Nassif as "House with Trees" because that's the only house in Al-Balad who have trees. Of course, to plant trees in this region is not easy, because of scarcity of water. But that does not apply to trees tough this type of mahogany (Azadirachta indica), which estimated his age as old as the house.

Nassif House Construction began in 1872 and completed in 1881 to a man named Sheikh Omar Effendi Nassif, who later became governor of Jeddah. This house belongs Nassif family until 1975.

One of his heir, Sheikh Mohammed, made the Temple Nassif as a personal library. This library eventually managed to collect about 16,000 books, which can be read by anyone who visits. Now the books belonging to Abdul Aziz University Library.

Although now people can enjoy all the commodities of modern life, but a walk in Al-Balad to admire the houses or buildings of this ancient, still represents a very interesting experience. Maybe you are interested in seeing the beautiful carved doors or ornate balcony. Or maybe you are interested in trying to get lost in it.

But do not worry, the hassle of getting lost in the middle of the halls of the Temple Nassif with a history like that, the enchanting beauty and charm will remain remembered as one of the silliness of the most memorable in your life.

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