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The Beauty in the Life of Prophet Muhammad

Although many books have been written about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad, but the purity and clarity of quality and governance of the great kramanya continues to flow. Series of the Prophet's life reveals the glory of nature, magnanimity performance or in attitude, and personal excellence. With this, people of faith can satisfy their thirst for spiritual their determination to become better human beings.

Along with the many duties accompanying the Message of the Prophets, he also carries a duty to teach people about the beauty and revive the senses and awareness. Verily Allah a beautiful, noble Qur'an are also beautiful, and the whole beautiful universe. Prophet, no doubt, is the best person to teach beauty.

1. The beauty of a smile. Yes, the smile is the kind of superior beauty. This is also the universal language of mankind. Smiling means to feel all the excitement, joy, and compassion toward humans. Like a painting, a smile is a beautiful picture.

Prophet Muhammad was known to have a face that always smiled. Jarir ra said, "The Messenger has never refused to see since I embraced Islam. Every time he sees me, he would see me with a smile." (Bukhari).

The Prophet not only maintain a beautiful smile on her face, but also encourage others to smile. "The smile on your brother is charity." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi). "Do not belittle any good deed, even if it was just meeting with your brother with a cheerful face." (Muslim).
2. The beauty of appearance. Prophet was always wearing the best clothes that he had. Before you meet with the envoys, he will wear clothing appropriate to the status and tradition of each delegation. Rasulullah also like perfume. From Ayesha, "I'm obtaining splashed scent (perfume), the best to the Prophet." (Muslim).

The Prophet forbade any person who eats onions or garlic into the mosque. He supports the beauty in general as one of the beloved of Allah SWT. In a hadith, he said, "Allah beautiful and loves beauty."

3. The beauty of a soft attitude. The Prophet is reported to have said, "Gentleness can not be found on anything but it adds to its beauty, and not deprived of anything except that it made defective" (Muslim). So, the softness is a jewelry and beauty, while violence is a bad thing. Prophet's noble conduct all affairs with tenderness, and he urged the implementation of gentleness in all affairs, both state and private.

The following examples demonstrate the softness of his character is remarkable:

a) The Prophet will speed up the prayer in the prayer when he heard the baby crying, with consideration of the anxiety of the mother towards her child.

b) Once the Prophet never stop the movement of troops because of concern about a bird who are grieving because their children were arrested by some soldiers. The army was again moved forward after the soldiers return the child to its mother bird.

c) He avoided a direct warning to his people. Messenger prefer to reprimand the smooth words like, "What about people who feel too proud to do my own thing to do?"

d) The Messenger of spoiling her children and joking with them. Anas said, "The Prophet was always hanging out with us (the kids), sometimes he said to my sister, 'O father Umair, what do these little birds?" (Bukhari).

e) The Prophet Muhammad allowed his house be used as a playground. Aisha said, "I used to play dolls in the house of the Prophet, and my girlfriends are also used to play with me. Every time the Prophet came (to my place), they hide, but the Prophet always call them to join and play with me." (Bukhari).

f) The Prophet once said, "Do not none of you who say,''my soul be evil, 'but should say,' my soul to be cruel." (Bukhari-Muslim).

According to Ibn Hajar, citing Al-Khattabi, evil and cruel almost identical in meaning, but the Prophet did not like the word evil nature and choose a safer cruel expression. Indeed, this is his habit to replace the unpleasant term with more subtle. This hadith implies that the vocabulary that is not fun to be avoided. The point is to avoid phrases like "my soul be evil" is an act of kindness toward yourself.

g) The Prophet had great respect for his wives and treat them gently. For example, he usually offers his knee to step on his wife (Safiyyah) whenever Safiyyah want to ride camels.

h) The Prophet of Islam often berkhutbah about the "softness" of God to man. In a hadith, he said, "When God has completed His creation, He wrote on his Throne, 'My Mercy control my fury." (Bukhari-Muslim).

Still want to be a grumpy person, hater, pendongkol and vindictive? Never, ah! Prophet certainly did not like his people accepted that. Hopefully we can imitate the behavior of the Prophet, even though only a small portion.


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