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Islamic Da'wah Council: NII tarnish Islam

Chairman of the DPP Assembly Da'wah Islamiyah, Isaac Deding urged Government to take firm action against the Indonesian Islamic State movement, especially those known as NII KW 9, as already discredit Islam.

"For Da'wah Council Islmiyah (MDI), Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) is a movement of rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), so it must be dealt with firmly," he said told Antara here on Saturday.

Isaac Deding also asserted, the State should not allow the movement of this plot develops. "I frankly regret statement three ministries which tend to consider this a trivial issue," he said.

Deding Isaac who is also Deputy Polhukam Golkar Party faction (FPG) in the House of Representatives are reminded, do not exist 'under estimate' on matters concerning the interference of the state ideology Pancasila.
As previously reported by some media, three ministries, Djoko Suyanto assess the NII is not a massive movement.

"It's less wise attitude. In my opinion, the aspirations of a number of religious leaders who urged the Government cracked down on the NII, it should have responded positively," he said.

Because, according to him, if allowed to continue developing the NII, in addition to undermining the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, also discredit Muslims in Indonesia.
"Because, Muslims will be branded as a rebel," he said.

Deding Isaac who is also a member of Commission III of the Parliament (Law), this hope, the Government responded immediately responsive to public aspirations and fix the intelligence capability to detect movement of treason. "At the same time crack down on groups that joined in the NII. This is important for the sake of integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia," he said.

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