Only To God Our Refuge
12:48 AM
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Islamic Article
Any person who relies on other than Allah, he will be abandoned. Because only God is the only place of refuge, asked for salvation, and hopes. God, the Lord who controls all the heavens and the earth, no creature who escaped from his power and knowledge. All benefits and madharat are in His hands. So really surprising that a weak man leaning on a weak fellow creature also, why he did not rely affairs to Allah Ta'ala is all-powerful?
Is not every day, in every time the prayer, even in our prayers every raka'at always read a verse of glory, 'Iyyaka na'budu iyyaka nasta'in wa'; only Thee O God we worship, and unto Thee we ask for help ... Therefore, for a believer, a place to hang our hearts and the top hope is God alone, not other than Him. To God that we must leave all our affairs ... Allah ta'ala says (which means), "And to Allah alone should you trust, if you really believe." (Surah al-Ma'idah: 23).
This noble verse indicates the obligation to rely solely hearts to God, not to other than Him. Trust is worship. Whoever was directing worship to other than Allah then he has done polytheism (see al-Jadid fi Syarh book at-Tawheed, p.. 256) Anyone who put their trust in Allah, Allah will fulfill his needs. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Anyone who put their trust in Allah, then He must be inadequate ..." (Surat ath-THALAQ: 3). This noble verse shows that trust is one of the main reasons to be able to get benefits or refuse kemadharatan. Trust is the duty and worship. Whoever is directing worship to other than Allah then he has committed idolatry (see al-Jadid fi Syarh book at-Tawheed, p.. 260) |
One form of action depends on other than God is to ask for protection and safety of life to other than Allah, whether it's the genie, the grave or the other occupants. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Do not call to other than Allah, something which obviously does not guarantee or madharat benefit to you, if you keep doing it you would be included among those who do wrong." (Surah Yunus: 106) . Bring benefits and reject madharat is owned specialty God. Anyone who pray to other than Allah and that he believed that he had cried over expediency and kemadharatan as an ally of Allah, then indeed he has committed idolatry (see al-Jadid fi Syarh book at-Tawheed, p.. 104)
Allah ta'ala says (which means), "And when God sent unto you a danger it could uncover nothing but Him, and when He wills good for you then no one can deny the virtue of Him. God inflicted disaster to whoever He wills, and He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surah Yunus: 107). This noble verse indicates that uncovers evil / danger and bring the benefits of the specificity of Allah Almighty. Anyone who seek it from other than Allah he indeed has done polytheism (see al-Jadid fi Syarh book at-Tawheed, p.. 105)
This all shows us that the perfection of faith and unity of a servant is determined by the extent of his dependence on God alone and reject any attempts in god and a refuge other than Him. If God controls our lives and die, then why do we hang our hearts to the genie and inanimate objects that do not control anything!
Author: Abu Mushlih Ari Wahyudi
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