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Pregnancy is Fii Sabilillah Jihad for Muslim Women (1)

By: Ibn Tiangfei

Pregnancy is an event that is highly coveted by a Muslim woman. Especially for those who had recently married and have an average age of young (young couples). Although there are some of them are deliberately delaying pregnancy for various reasons. For example: the Muslim woman wanted to finish school or college first, there is a reasonable Muslim woman wants to enjoy the days 'courtship after marriage' with her husband and others. Photo:

Pregnancy has a special meaning for a Muslim woman. Besides aiming to continue the lineage (outward objective), pregnancy is one means of jihad in the path of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. And of course not just stop at the level of pregnancy only. Various long process that will be passed by a Muslim woman after pregnancy, such as birth and continuing with the process of educating and raising children are also included jihad in the way of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla.

Why does pregnancy included jihad in Allah's way?

In languages (etymology), jihad means the power of business, difficulty and ability. (Lisaanul 'Arabic (II/395-396), Mu'jamul Wasiith (I/142)).

Meanwhile, according to the terms syar'i (terminology), Al-Jihad means to fight the infidels, that is trying in earnest to devote the strength and ability, either words or deeds. (See an-Nihaayah FII Ghariibil Hadiits (I/319) Ibn al-Athir).

Jihad by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullahu is: "Spilling all the ability to achieve what he loves Allaah and rejects all who hated God." (Majmuu 'Fataawaa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (X/192-193)).
According to Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah rahimahullahu, jihad has four levels, namely:

1. Jihad against lust
2. Jihad against syaithan
3. Jihad against infidels and jihad against the hypocrites
4. Jihad against the despotic leaders, heretics and bad actors

The relationship between the pregnancy with jihad in the top four levels are as follows:

Women who are pregnant experience physical changes, especially in the abdominal area. In addition to the abdominal area, physical changes are also common in pregnant woman's body posture (posture fatter). Despite the fact that not all pregnant women experience changes in body posture to be fat.

Some things that cause the body posture of pregnant women get fat on them due to genetic factors (heredity), growth hormone and changes in lifestyle. Obese due to genetic factors usually occurs because one or both parents of the woman also has a fat physical. Genetic factors can not possibly be avoided by humans, because it is the destiny of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla and the man can not choose who should be born from the womb. Likewise, the issue of growth hormones that can not be avoided by pregnant women. Maybe things you can do is set the pattern of life of the man himself, such as diet, sleep patterns and others.

During pregnancy, the pregnant woman (who has the posture of both fat and thin) tend to change in terms of lifestyle. Especially in the diets. For example: if on ordinary days (when not pregnant) a woman accustomed to eating one plate at a time to eat, so when it is pregnant, she could eat two plates or more in one meal. Usually it is used as an excuse is a pregnant woman must be to feed two people (ie the pregnant women themselves and their fetuses), then the amount of food that enters the body should be doubled as well. Such attitudes can be categorized as an attitude of excessive, because, according to nutrition experts and health, food needs among non-pregnant women with pregnant women is a little different.

Thus, the excessive manner in terms of eating the food for pregnant women is because it is more dominated by the passions that are less controlled. And any that are less restrained carnality is coming from syaithan. Allah 'Azza wa Jalla dislike towards his people who have excessive lifestyle. Allah Almighty says,

"... And do not be exaggerated. For Allah loves not those who exaggerated." (Surat al-Anam: 141).

In addition to the excessive appetite, excessive anger lust sometimes are faced by pregnant women, especially if the pregnancy is quite old. This is caused by a pregnant woman increasingly difficult to move / migrate due to the greater size and weight of the fetus. Especially when coupled with various other complaints, such as headache, what foods if eaten was feeling and so forth.

If such conditions could faced by a Muslim woman with patience and sincere heart and be able to control the passions and just expect the pleasure of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, God willing, will be a jihad Fii Sabilillah which gives a degree of faith and piety in Allah's abundant 'Azza wa Jalla. Amen.
To be continued.

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