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Wisdom from God's grace toward Luqmanul Hakim

By: Ibn Tiangfei

Luqmanul Hakim is an ordinary man and not a prophet, but he's given a tremendous gift from Allah 'Azza wa Jalla form of wisdom. Written in the holy book Koran. Some messages are very wise and advice touching the heart and invites us to the truth (wise messages and advice will be discussed in next article). According to some history, he was a slave who is black, thick-lipped, and have the soles of the feet are cracked. About the origin Luqmanul Hakim, there is a history that says that he came from Egyptian Sudan. (Photo:

There are several versions about the name of Judge Luqmanul real. Some say that his name is Luqman bin 'Anqa bin Sadun. Some say that his name is Luqman bin Tsaran. Others say that his name is Ibn Ba'ur bin Nahir bin Aazir (quoted from the book Washaaya Luqmanul Judge min al-Sunnah Book was the work of Majdi Muhammad ash-Syahawi).

According to popular opinion among scholars, that the judge is a trustee Luqmanul wise and righteous, but not a prophet. Then the scholars disagree about the work Luqmanul Hakim. Some say that he is a seeker of firewood. Some say that he was a carpenter. Some say that he is a shepherd of sheep. Some say that he was a tailor. And still others say that he was a judge among the Children of Israel at the time of the Prophet Dawud as
A Decent Story We Think

One day, lord of Luqmanul Hakim once said to him, "Slaughter a sheep, then give me two sheep body parts were the best."

Then Luqman gave him the tongue and liver sheep.

After that, the master ordered him to slaughter the sheep again, and ordered him, "Put the two parts of the body was the worst sheep."

Then Luqman also throw the tongue and liver of sheep.

Found it, his master said, "I ordered you to give me two parts of the body the best sheep and then you give me the lamb tongue and heart! Next I ordered you to remove two parts of the body of sheep the worst, and you also get rid of it tongue and calf's liver. Why so? "

Luqman replied, "Because there is no body part that is better than both if both are good, and no part of her worst of both if both are bad. (Tafseer al-Qurtubi: 14/42, 140-141, Qashash Al-Qur'an: 198-199, az-Zuhd, Ahmad: page 65, Tafseer Ibn Katheer: 3 / 536).

Subhanallah, really in the wisdom contained in the words of Luqman above. Although, according to history, he was a slave who is black, thick-lipped, and have your feet are cracked, but he has given a tremendous gift of wisdom from Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. The messages and advice from Luqmanul Hakim very touching hearts and always invites us as Muslims to the truth. In fact, some advice narrated by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

It shows that Allah 'Azza wa Jalla never differentiate in terms of physical and tribes of each of His servants who believe. And the things that distinguish the presence of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla is their faith and taqwa. And it is appropriate that we as people of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would hear different advice coming from various ethnic groups, as long as advice is based on sharia and guidance of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. To be continued, Insha Allah.

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